
Mandy, along with Petey and Gidget, was a wild orphan rescued in Arizona and brought to the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center. Unfortunately, their rescuer kept them too long, resulting in habituation to humans, and ultimately preventing any chance of them being released back into the wild. That being the case, all three bobcats were welcomed as permanent residents at Safe Haven.

Mandy is the more dominant of three. Whenever the boys get into a scuffle or start to play, she comes over to investigate – either putting an end to the nonsense or joining in. Mandy is easily distinguishable from the other bobcats due to her broad face and reddish coloring.

Mandy has been with us for 11 years.

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About Bobcats

Bobcats can be found throughout most the U.S. and can live up to 15 years in the wild and up to 30 in captivity. Although generally solitary in the wild, female bobcats have been known to share overlapping territory. Although not considered endangered, they commonly fall victim to hunting and trapping due to the value of their fine furs.

About Mandy

Common Name: Bobcat

Gender: Female

Age: 12 years old

Price to Sponsor: $200

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